What about the 99?

Recently Pastor Jenkins preached a sermon about the shepherd and his one hundred sheep (Matthew 18:10-14).  Jesus and His disciples were having a conversation concerning the disciples’ desire to know who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus spoke to His followers in parables of to express heavenly things in a way that Read More

Walking The Walk

Often people use this phrase to express their desire to walk in the words they have spoken about themselves or the choices they have decided to make.  Man is it hard!! Walking out the words spoken in a moment of frustration, joy, or pain often leave me feeling restricted.  If you have ever been there, Read More

Who Am I?

While chatting with a friend, this question came to mind… “Who Am I?.   So I posed it to her and she provided her answer then asked me the same question. My response was simple, “I am a flawed woman learning to love who I am unconditionally.”  There is so much truth in that statement that Read More