How many times have you looked in the mirror and been confused by what you see? I mean you see your reflection but do ever wonder about the person looking back at you. Do you reflect on how you have changed mentally and physically? Do you notice a new mole, a line that wasn’t there before, or oh my…a gray hair! Looking back at you could be a body that not only supported you over the years, but birthed children, leaving behind a mark or two as a reminder of your ability to stretch beyond your expectations. Mostly what you see is you without filters. Do you like what you see?
That is a deep question if you aren’t ready to really look at who you are today. Self-reflection requires you to look past the façade presented to everyone else getting to the root of who you are. It’s work! Alone we will find ways to excuse our actions and thoughts. Yet if we do the work, we realize like David did in Psalm 139, that there is nothing hidden from God. If this is true, then why are we not honest with ourselves? Why do we hide behind a mask when we look at ourselves? I have no idea why you did it, yet I know we all have our reasons, yes even me.
Most times masks are used as a part of a decorative costume, protection from disease, or to hide the identity of a person during a crime. But the type of mask described above goes deeper then these examples. This mask was created by an enemy that works to distort how we view ourselves. He has used others or even our own self-talk to plant seeds of doubt of who we are. If not uprooted the seeds continues to grow within our hearts causing us to believe it as truth. This reminds me of the parable Jesus told his disciples concerning the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:24-30).
Jesus tells the parable of a sower who planted wheat in his field and while he slept an enemy came and sowed tares in with the wheat. So before we go too far, lets take a moment to define what a tare is. A tare is a harmful weed that resembles wheat. To be clear, a tare equals a lie! So this enemy has purposefully and tactfully attached the sower’s harvest. Not in an out right look what I did type of way, but one that can not be discovered until it’s too late to correct. Just imagine all the tares the enemy has planted in our lives from a young age. We have grown up with these tares in our lives as well as the truths of what God says about us. Each resembling truth that was taught to us, not know what to believe. This is what forms the masks.
These lies keep us from seeing who we really are, stunt our growth, and delay us from growing into who God calls us to be. We spend our lives living the life in a cycle, never moving forward although we are moving. Showing others our mask believing it is all we have to offer. To discover the tares present in our lives what do we do? How do we begin to see ourselves clearly? To see the lies we must be willing to be honest with ourselves. For some that may mean speaking to a therapist who can help dig to find the root of the thoughts. Some may have a trusted friend who can help walk them through the process. Regardless of the method as children of God we must remember to include Him in this journey. This is not something that man can do alone but with the assistance of the Holy Spirit revealing what lies without our hearts we can began to heal.
It matters to God how we see ourselves because He has always seen us as good. His desire for each of us is to be in relationship with Him, knowing that His truth is all we need. Just in case you don’t know the truths of how God sees you check out these scriptures: Romans 8:1-2 (you are free), Ephesians 1:7 (you are forgiven), and most importantly Colossians 3:12 (you are loved). God’s word helps us to combat the tares the enemy has tried to force us to believe about ourselves. Do not take it lightly the power that knowing God’s word will do in your life. Even Jesus used the word to fight off the enemy (Matthew 4).
Let this year be one where we see ourselves clearly! There are things you must do that require the best version of you. Let’s get to work. I’ll end this post with a prayer: Lord, bless your children to see themselves clearly today. Begin to change their heart to have a desire to know You fully and in knowing You may they discover who You created them to be. I ask you to uproot everything in their lives that does not reflect You. Allow the seeds of hope, love, mercy, and strength to grow in their lives Father. Open their ears to hear the Holy Spirit as You assist them in replacing the lies of the enemy with the truth of Your word. We stand in agreement with all you have said about your child. Overtake their lives! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Be blessed and take off the mask!