So what are they exactly? I mean we have all heard of times in our lives when we have an opportunity to make a choice that can change your life. Destiny moments encompass these as well as the ones we experience every day as we go about living our best lives. The moments we decide to speak a word of encouragement to a friend, help someone at work with a task, and even when we choose not to speak our mind to the cashier who is working that last bit of patience you are holding on to. These moments are when He gets to appear in your interactions providing a moment of clarity. Where He allows the receiver to see a glimpse of His glory. A moment that reveals a version of yourself that you knew existed but felt you would never see…something only He helped you see. Can you even imagine being able to say these moments exist?! To even believe that these moments are possible, He must be a part of your life as He is the one who allows these steps towards a destiny designed just for you.
Yea, ok I hear you smirking already. Another blog about God. While all of that is true, what is different about this rendition is… me. Each of our experiences with God is unique to the choices we make as we build our relationships with him. With this truth in mind, there are lessons that can be shared as you continue your journey. As we walk through good days and seasons of struggle, I hope you see you are not alone as you take your own journey. Nor are you required to have all the answers. Whew, isn’t that good to know! There will be moments when the choices made are not in line with His leaving one to wonder if it was the right one. Not to mention the times when you do what He directs you to do and it seems like the promise takes forever! Yet the one thing that is known for sure is that He is always with us.
I am reminded in Hebrews 13:5, as long as my heart is in line with the will of God, content in all that He provides He will never leave me or give up on me. So here I am taking my next destiny moment stepping into an unfamiliar place trusting that He will lead me through it all. The good the bad and the ugly…you know exactly what I mean. And for some reason you have decided to take a front row seat to this journey. All that to say welcome to my current moment, I pray it opens your eyes to the amazing God who wants to meet you.